- “Tri, tri again: If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. Just like potty training, training for a triathlon takes time and patience. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see progress right away – just keep swimming, biking, and running.”
- “Make it a family affair: Involve the whole family in your training by bringing your kids along for the ride (literally). They’ll love the chance to ride in a bike trailer or cheer you on from the sidelines.”
- “Be a multitasking master: Turn your training into quality family time by incorporating your workouts into your daily routine. For example, go for a run while pushing your child in a stroller or do some strength training while your little one plays at your feet.”
- “Don’t sweat the small stuff: Training for a triathlon or marathon is a big commitment, but don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the journey. It’s okay if you have to miss a workout or two – the most important thing is to make time for your family and enjoy spending time together.”
- “Find your tribe: Training can be tough, but it’s a lot easier when you have a supportive community to lean on. Get a supportive coach involved who cares & listens to your needs and find like-minded parents to share your experiences with and get encouragement and motivation along the way.”
Being a parent and training for a triathlon can be challenging, but it
is definitely possible to balance both commitments with some careful
planning and organization.
Here are a few more tips for busy parents who are training for triathlons:
- Plan ahead: Receive a training schedule that fits around your family commitments and stick to it as much as possible. Plan workouts in advance and schedule them at times when you know you’ll have the most energy and the least amount of distractions.
- Get creative with your training: If you have young children, consider incorporating them into your workouts. For example, you could go for a run while pushing your child in a stroller or take them to the pool with you while you swim.
- Make the most of your time: When you do have time to train, try to make the most of it. Use high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts to get in a good workout in a shorter amount of time. Jump on a smart trainer while your child is taking a nap.
- Find a supportive community: Training for a triathlon can be challenging but it’s much easier when you have a supportive community to lean on.
- Don’t forget to rest: It’s important to get enough rest and recovery time to avoid burnout and injury. Make sure to schedule regular rest days into your training plan and prioritize getting a good night’s sleep (is this even possible -probably wishful thinking for most young parents:).
Remember that it’s okay to be flexible and adjust your training as needed. The most important thing is to find a balance that works for you and your family. Happy training!