First-Time Triathlete: Tips and Tricks for Success

First-Time Triathlete: Tips and Tricks for Success

Congratulations on taking the first step towards training for triathlons! Triathlon training can be a rewarding and challenging experience, and it’s important to approach it with a solid plan in place. Here are a few basic steps you can follow as you begin your triathlon journey:   Choose a triathlon…

10 Tips for Busy Parents Who Want to Tri(athlon)-Harder

“Tri, tri again: If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. Just like potty training, training for a triathlon takes time and patience. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see progress right away – just keep swimming, biking, and running.” “Make it a family affair: Involve the whole…
Tempo run: The do's and dont's for beginners

Tempo run: The do’s and dont’s for beginners

I figured it could be useful to compile a short list of the do’s and dont’s that serve as a first starting point to anyone new to tempo training. Control your effort, be disciplined and develop a good feel for the pace. ‘Comfortable hard’ is what you’re aiming for. Remain…